<Swing Dev> EA6 build of Project Lanai (Java 2D Metal rendering pipeline for macOS) is now posted

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Tue Oct 13 16:08:53 UTC 2020

I am a bit slow in sending out the announcement, but
https://jdk.java.net/lanai/ is now hosting the EA 6 build of Lanai

    EA 6 Build 16-lanai+2-229 (2020/10/4)

Please do give it a try (-Dsun.java2d.metal=true) and let us know of issues.

EA 6 contains the following new bug fixes relative to EA 5

  * 8253931: Lanai: MTLTexturePool refactoring
  * 8253840: Lanai - MTLClip.beginShapeClip method uses a larger
    temporary buffer than needed
  * 8252790: Lanai: Refactor RenderPerfTest to run single test by name
  * 8253657: Lanai: Refactor MTLTexturePool - getTexture
  * 8251475: sun/java2d/pipe/hw/RSLAPITest/RSLAPITest.java fails with
    metal pipeline <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8251475>
  * 8246194: Performance of Mix.Balls decreases when Rendering Quality
    option is Selected <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8246194>
  * 8252796: Lanai: Shape clip test artifacts on MacBook Air 2020
  * 8252499: UI text of application with metal pipeline is lost when
    another application is launched with OpenGL pipeline
  * 8253301: Lanai: Memory leak in MTLContext code
  * 8253260: Fix whitespace errors in .m and .metal files in lanai repo
  * 8252795: Lanai: Refactor native implementation of MTLPaint
  * 8251023: Clipping of Image doesnt work when Alpha composite is
    enabled in J2DDemo <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8251023>
  * 8252880: Image operations are not working with metal
  * 8252895: Black background in SwingSet2 in Nimbus LAF
  * 8252949: Shape clip should use identity transform for drawing clip
    spans <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8252949>


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