[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Integration with other JDK classes

Lance Andersen - Oracle Lance.Andersen at oracle.com
Wed Dec 5 08:35:16 PST 2012

On Dec 5, 2012, at 11:28 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

> On 5 December 2012 15:33, Lance Andersen - Oracle
> <Lance.Andersen at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> My question was really whether the JDBC group care about enhancing the
>>> sql classes, or whether they are content to let them be and get
>>> everyone to move to the new types.
>> I would rather let them be and just use the 310 classes if they desire.
>> As we discussed before we will add support for specific 310 types via set/getObject which is how we would envision people taking advantage of new data types including 310.
>> So as developers are ready to move they will, I just do not see a big advantage in adding new features to the old classes as they have enough baggage as it is.
> I'm happy to not upgrade the sql classes. However it should be noted
> that any methods, such as toInstant() or from(...) will be inherited
> by the sql classes, providing another oddity for developers.

So java.util.Date was extended?  Then this will cause issues if the sql classes do not at least override and throw an Exception such as setMinutes().

So we will need to discuss this I guess and who will do the work
> Stephen
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Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037
Oracle Java Engineering 
1 Network Drive 
Burlington, MA 01803
Lance.Andersen at oracle.com

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