[threeten-dev] [threeten-develop] Integration with other JDK classes

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at joda.org
Wed Dec 5 08:37:55 PST 2012

On 5 December 2012 16:35, Lance Andersen - Oracle
<Lance.Andersen at oracle.com> wrote:
>> I'm happy to not upgrade the sql classes. However it should be noted
>> that any methods, such as toInstant() or from(...) will be inherited
>> by the sql classes, providing another oddity for developers.
> So java.util.Date was extended?  Then this will cause issues if the sql classes do not at least override and throw an Exception such as setMinutes().
> So we will need to discuss this I guess and who will do the work

j.u.Date ,ay get a toInstant() methods and a from(...) static method.
sql.Date and sql.Time may want to block the toInstant().


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