Comments on preliminary javax.lang.model changes for JSR 308

Joseph Darcy joe.darcy at
Fri Feb 15 17:06:51 PST 2013

Greetings JSR 308 experts,

The initial push of the JSR 308 changes into JDK 8 [1], included various 
changes to the javax.lang.model API

1) New type javax.lang.model.type.AnnotatedType
2) New method ExecutableType.getReceiverType
3) New enum constant TypeKind.ANNOTATED
4) New method on visitor interface TypeVisitor.visitAnnotated
5) Update of AbstractTypeVisitor6 with an implementation of visitAnnotated.
6) Several new methods in javax.lang.model.util.Types

Given the direction being taken for javax.lang.model support for type 
annotations [2], with the possible exception of 2) and some of 6), the 
rest of these changes should be reverted.  The the proposed design in 
[2], all types are potentially annotated so classifying types in the API 
as annotated or not is not a helpful distinction.


JSR 269 Maintenance Lead

[1] 8006775: JSR 308: Compiler changes in JDK8,


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