Comments on preliminary javax.lang.model changes for JSR 308

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at
Sun Feb 17 12:48:44 PST 2013

PS To summarize this feedback, whether or not a type is annotated should 
be a "has-a" rather than "is-a" relationship.



On 2/15/2013 5:06 PM, Joseph Darcy wrote:
> Greetings JSR 308 experts,
> The initial push of the JSR 308 changes into JDK 8 [1], included 
> various changes to the javax.lang.model API
> 1) New type javax.lang.model.type.AnnotatedType
> 2) New method ExecutableType.getReceiverType
> 3) New enum constant TypeKind.ANNOTATED
> 4) New method on visitor interface TypeVisitor.visitAnnotated
> 5) Update of AbstractTypeVisitor6 with an implementation of 
> visitAnnotated.
> 6) Several new methods in javax.lang.model.util.Types
> Given the direction being taken for javax.lang.model support for type 
> annotations [2], with the possible exception of 2) and some of 6), the 
> rest of these changes should be reverted.  The the proposed design in 
> [2], all types are potentially annotated so classifying types in the 
> API as annotated or not is not a helpful distinction.
> Thanks,
> -Joe
> JSR 269 Maintenance Lead
> [1] 8006775: JSR 308: Compiler changes in JDK8,
> [2] 

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