[lworld+vector] RFR: 8307715: Integrate VectorMask/Shuffle with value/primitive classes [v2]

Xiaohong Gong xgong at openjdk.org
Fri May 19 04:04:15 UTC 2023

On Wed, 17 May 2023 09:07:18 GMT, Xiaohong Gong <xgong at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> This patch changes the Vector API java side and hotspot compiler code to make the `VectorMask` and `VectorShuffle` operations work well after integrating with valhalla value/primitive classes.
>> Java side changes include:
>>  - Define the concrete `VectorMask/VectorShuffle `classes as value class.
>>  - Define the payload field type as primitive classes, which defines `MultiField` annotated field to save the element values.
>>  - Change all the relative API implementations, which use Unsafe APIs to access the new payload.
>>  - Move several VectorMask default operations to the abstract super class.
>>  - Minor code cleanup.
>> Compiler changes include:
>>  - Enable intrinsification for `VectorMask/VectorShuffle` related operations.
>>    Mask input/output of `VectorBox/VectorUnbox` is changed to the boolean vector format, to adapt C2's `InlineTypeNode`
>>    and new `VectorBox` features. Note that the mask input/output is a normal vector or predicate before.
>>  - Refine `VectorBox` expanding logic to make it right when the primitive payload instance is not flattened.
>>  - Minor code cleanup.
>> Basic VectorMask/VectorShuffle jtreg tests pass with"`-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-EnableVectorSupport`",
>> and the basic unit tests work well after enabling vector support.
> Xiaohong Gong has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   Fix issue when the boxed type is not equal to the intrinsic return type

The latest commit adds the VectorShuffle support after integrating with value/primitive classes. Besides the basic java code and hotspot compiler changes, it also fixes several jtreg failures and do more code clean up to unused legacy code in hotspot.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/valhalla/pull/845#issuecomment-1553961873

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