Preload attribute

John Rose john.r.rose at
Tue Jun 6 01:52:16 UTC 2023

Overall, as we look at Preload, it is looking more and more like a 
no-op, as far as the JLS and JVMS is concerned.  Perhaps that is a 
signal that it should be placed somewhere outside of the JVMS, such as 
in a Leyden-specific mechanism (a preload list) produced in a way 
decoupled from any transactions between the JLS and JVMS.

On 1 Jun 2023, at 11:24, Dan Smith wrote:

>> On Jun 1, 2023, at 10:53 AM, Dan Heidinga <heidinga at> 
>> wrote:
>> A couple of questions about the spec for the Preload attribute[0].  
>> The current spec says it indicates "certain classes contain 
>> information that may be of interest during linkage."
>> The Preload attribute removes one need for Q modifiers while allowing 
>> calling convention optimizations and layout decisions to be made 
>> early.
>> The current spec is quite vague on what classes should be included in 
>> the attribute and on when / what the VM will do with those classes 
>> (or even if it does anything).
> FWIW, the JEP has more detail about when javac is expected to include 
> classes in Preload.
>> I think it's time to tighten up the spec for Preload attribute and 
>> specify:
>> * what the VM will do with classes listed in the attribute
> It is intentional that the VM may choose to do nothing. So anything it 
> does is purely an optimization.

Looks like a nop…

(In particular, it should not *reject* any inputs, because that would 
destabilize separate compilability in unpredictable ways.)

>> * when those classes will be loaded (ie: somewhere in JVMS 5.3)
> If the VM chooses to load Preload classes, then our thinking was that 
> JVMS 5.4 already describes the details of timing:
> So, for example, "Alternatively, an implementation may choose an 
> "eager" linkage strategy, where all symbolic references are resolved 
> at once when the class or interface is being verified." That is, the 
> Preload classes could all be loaded during verification, or at some 
> other stage of linking.
> My expectation is that the natural point for processing Preload is 
> during preparation as vtables are set up, but sometimes I get these 
> things wrong. :-)

Sometimes you want them early (for instance layout) and sometimes you 
need to wait (vtable layout or even just before <clinit>).

>> * how invalid cases are handled, including circularities (Class A's 
>> Preload mentions B <: A)

Silent supression of errors, if any.  Again, like a nop…

> "Errors detected during linkage are thrown at a point in the program 
> where some action is taken by the program that might, directly or 
> indirectly, require linkage to the class or interface involved in the 
> error."
> I've always found this rule super vague, but I think "require" is the 
> key word, and implies that errors caused by Preload resolution should 
> just be ignored. (Because Preload isn't "required" to be processed at 
> all.)
>> * what types of classes can be listed (any? only values?)
> Definitely intend to support any classes of interest. Say a future 
> optimization wants to know about a sealed superinterface, for 
> example—it would be fine to tweak javac to add that interface to 
> Preload, and then use the information to facilitate the optimization.
> There's a lot of nondeterminism here—can a compliant system trigger 
> changes to class loading timing, but just on my birthday?—but I 
> think it's within the scope of JVMS 5.4, which provides a lot of 
> latitude for loading classes whenever it's convenient.
>> It probably makes sense to start from the current Hotspot handling of 
>> the attribute and fine tune that into the spec?
> So I've outlined our hands-off stake in the ground above. The spec 
> would definitely benefit, at least, from a non-normative 
> cross-reference to 5.4 and short explanation. Beyond that, I think 
> we'd be open to specifying more if we can agree something more is 
> needed...

I think we could get the benefits in Fred’s prototype (as he 
describes) with a list that is decoupled from any particular class file, 
and Leyden could deliver this list.

As you see, I’m kind of sour on a Preload attribute these days.
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