Preload attribute
Dan Heidinga
heidinga at
Thu Jun 8 16:01:05 UTC 2023
Thanks Dan and Fred for the clarification on the current spec and Hotspot
behaviour and John for suggesting we remove the attribute.
I think the problem with the current status quo for the preload attribute
is that we're trying to treat it like an optimization - a "we can have our
cake" (know which classes to load at some indeterminate point) and "eat it
too" (not promise users anything about when or if those classes will be
As it stands, based just on the spec, it's hard for users to know what the
preload attribute will do for them. There's nothing they can depend on in
the spec and are at the mercy of whatever behaviour VM implementers pick on
a given day. Which means they will depend on the current Hotspot behaviour
(defacto standardization - yuck!) or expect the behaviour to change all the
If we decouple the list of preloadable classes from the classfile, how
would non-jdk classes be handled? Many applications are a mix of multiple
jar files from different maintenance domains which would make having a
combined list difficult. We'd also need to think through the classloader
implications vs today's approach which attempts to load on the same loader
as the class with the preload attribute.
What if instead of ditching the attribute, or treating it like an
optimization, we firmed up the contract and treated it as a guarantee
similar to those of superclasses and superinterfaces as in the first line
in section 5.4 "Linking"? The new text would read something like:
> Linking a class or interface involves verifying and preparing that
class or interface, its direct superclass, its direct superinterfaces, and
its element type (if it is an array type), if necessary. Any classes listed
in the preload attribute will be loaded at this point.
We don't need to say in the JVMS why the classes are in the attribute, but
we should be explicit about where the attempt to load them occurs and that
errors are ignored. This provides stability to the users and allows for
independent implementation while avoiding de facto standardization of
today's behaviour.
Before responding, I built the latest lworld branch of the Valhalla repo
and played with the preload attribute to try and force a
classloader-related deadlock. I was surprised to find that the attribute
doesn't seem to have an effect on user-defined loaders and with the current
spec, I can't even say if that's a bug or not. Example classfiles for this
exploration are in
On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 9:52 PM John Rose <john.r.rose at> wrote:
> Overall, as we look at Preload, it is looking more and more like a no-op,
> as far as the JLS and JVMS is concerned. Perhaps that is a signal that it
> should be placed somewhere outside of the JVMS, such as in a
> Leyden-specific mechanism (a preload list) produced in a way decoupled from
> any transactions between the JLS and JVMS.
> On 1 Jun 2023, at 11:24, Dan Smith wrote:
> On Jun 1, 2023, at 10:53 AM, Dan Heidinga <heidinga at> wrote:
> A couple of questions about the spec for the Preload attribute[0]. The
> current spec says it indicates "certain classes contain information that
> may be of interest during linkage."
> The Preload attribute removes one need for Q modifiers while allowing
> calling convention optimizations and layout decisions to be made early.
> The current spec is quite vague on what classes should be included in the
> attribute and on when / what the VM will do with those classes (or even if
> it does anything).
> FWIW, the JEP has more detail about when javac is expected to include
> classes in Preload.
> I think it's time to tighten up the spec for Preload attribute and
> specify:
> * what the VM will do with classes listed in the attribute
> It is intentional that the VM may choose to do nothing. So anything it
> does is purely an optimization.
> Looks like a nop…
> (In particular, it should not *reject* any inputs, because that would
> destabilize separate compilability in unpredictable ways.)
> * when those classes will be loaded (ie: somewhere in JVMS 5.3)
> If the VM chooses to load Preload classes, then our thinking was that JVMS
> 5.4 already describes the details of timing:
> So, for example, "Alternatively, an implementation may choose an "eager"
> linkage strategy, where all symbolic references are resolved at once when
> the class or interface is being verified." That is, the Preload classes
> could all be loaded during verification, or at some other stage of linking.
> My expectation is that the natural point for processing Preload is during
> preparation as vtables are set up, but sometimes I get these things wrong.
> :-)
> Sometimes you want them early (for instance layout) and sometimes you need
> to wait (vtable layout or even just before <clinit>).
> * how invalid cases are handled, including circularities (Class A's
> Preload mentions B <: A)
> Silent supression of errors, if any. Again, like a nop…
> "Errors detected during linkage are thrown at a point in the program where
> some action is taken by the program that might, directly or indirectly,
> require linkage to the class or interface involved in the error."
> I've always found this rule super vague, but I think "require" is the key
> word, and implies that errors caused by Preload resolution should just be
> ignored. (Because Preload isn't "required" to be processed at all.)
> * what types of classes can be listed (any? only values?)
> Definitely intend to support any classes of interest. Say a future
> optimization wants to know about a sealed superinterface, for example—it
> would be fine to tweak javac to add that interface to Preload, and then use
> the information to facilitate the optimization.
> There's a lot of nondeterminism here—can a compliant system trigger
> changes to class loading timing, but just on my birthday?—but I think it's
> within the scope of JVMS 5.4, which provides a lot of latitude for loading
> classes whenever it's convenient.
> It probably makes sense to start from the current Hotspot handling of the
> attribute and fine tune that into the spec?
> So I've outlined our hands-off stake in the ground above. The spec would
> definitely benefit, at least, from a non-normative cross-reference to 5.4
> and short explanation. Beyond that, I think we'd be open to specifying more
> if we can agree something more is needed...
> I think we could get the benefits in Fred’s prototype (as he describes)
> with a list that is decoupled from any particular class file, and Leyden
> could deliver this list.
> As you see, I’m kind of sour on a Preload attribute these days.
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