Vulkan rendering pipeline dependency on libstdc++

Philip Race philip.race at
Fri Nov 10 21:36:39 UTC 2023

It is a very bad idea. C++ ABI  has been an issue before.
It likely would make it impossible for us to create a single build that 
we can guarantee runs across distros
and OS versions.

So an emphatic no. We'd not accept that into OpenJDK.


On 11/10/23 7:27 AM, Nikita Gubarkov wrote:
> Vulkan has both C and C++ API (two types of the latter actually). When 
> working on the prototype implementation of Vulkan rendering pipeline 
> under Wayland we have chosen C++ API, as it is better in all aspects, 
> but most importantly, speeds up development at early stages a lot. 
> However, these C++ API headers bring a dependency on Standard Library, 
> so this needs to be discussed:
> How do you feel about bringing a dependency on libstdc++?

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