code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
Ron Durbin
ron.durbin at
Thu Feb 6 02:04:02 UTC 2014
The changes look good
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel D. Daugherty
> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 4:21 PM
> To: hotspot-runtime-dev at; serviceability-dev at; build-dev;
> Doug Simon; Tom Rodriguez
> Subject: code review round 0 for minor FDS makefile fix (8033714)
> This code review request is going to three different aliases.
> Don't use Thunderbird's "reply to list" option since it will pick just _one_ of the _three_
> lists.
> Greetings,
> Doug Simon and Tom Rodriguez have sent a Full Debug Symbols (FDS) makefile fix our way. Here
> are the bug and webrev URLs:
> 8033714 hotspot 'install_jvm' bld target broken with
> As you might guess from the bug synopsis, this fix is needed when building without ZIP'ing
> the debuginfo files (ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0).
> Based on the Graal project fix, I've updated a few other places where building with FDS
> disabled is affected.
> As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Dan
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