RFR: 8034979 : (xs) Configuration help messages don't consider --no-create

Mike Duigou mike.duigou at oracle.com
Fri Feb 14 22:26:36 UTC 2014

Hello all;

This is a small cleanup patch with provides better summary help output for reconfigure and dry-run configurations.


I do note that even though no configuration is created/updated in "--no-create" mode the output directory is created and a few files, though not a configuration, are written there.

Testing consisted of :

rm -rf build/
sh configure -n  # got expected "A configuration has been successfully checked but not created" notice
sh configure     # got expected "A new configuration has been successfully created in ...." notice
sh configure -n  # got expected "The existing configuration has been successfully checked in ...." notice
sh configure     # got expected "The existing configuration has been successfully updated in ...." notice and warning.



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