RFR: 8283712 : Create a manual test framework class

lawrence.andrews duke at openjdk.java.net
Sat Mar 26 00:55:40 UTC 2022

On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 21:33:46 GMT, Phil Race <prr at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> We need a common manual test framework code that can be shared across all the client manual test. This framework class should have the following
>> 1) Frame which contains test instruction .
>> 2) Pass & Fail button so that user can mark the test pass or fail
>> 3) Upon failing the test user should be able to elaborate why the test failed and this can be added to the test failure. 
>> 4) Disposing of all the frames.
>> @aivanov-jdk
> test/jdk/java/awt/regtesthelpers/PassFailJFrame.java line 42:
>> 40:     private JTextArea instructionsText;
>> 41:     private int maxStringLength = 50;
>> 42:     private int timeoutMinutes = 3;
> why can't this be configured ?

Yes, this can be configured.

> test/jdk/java/awt/regtesthelpers/PassFailJFrame.java line 68:
>> 66:         setLocationRelativeTo(null);
>> 67:         setVisible(true);
>> 68:     }
> Hmm. Why can't this be wrapped in invokeAndWait to save the test having to do it ?

Sure will do.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7966

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