IMPORTANT REMINDER: 2 Reviews (ie approvals) are required for most client-libs changes

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at
Thu Jul 13 20:24:43 UTC 2023

I think it would be less confusing all around to have a general requirement
for 2 reviewers across the whole OpenJDK.

On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 5:28 PM Philip Race <philip.race at> wrote:

> Please see "Code Reviews" on the Group page
> where it says
> The Java Client Library Group has always standardized on two approvals -
> where at least one must have the Reviewer role.
> Historically this was addressed entirely by social conventions but today
> the tooling plays a role - and the JDK project is set up to mark a PR as
> ready for integration after a single approval by a person with the Reviewer
> role - which is not consistent with the Client Libraries policy.
> The tooling cannot automatically enforce this on a per-module basis and it
> is not reasonable to expect others to add "/reviewers 2" to every PR.
> The fixer therefore needs to understand the policies and wait for a second
> approval.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> As an example of a PR about which there was zero urgency and should have
> had a 2nd approval see
> -phil.
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