Kitchen-sink language problems on mac

Peter Ahé peter at
Tue Jun 12 14:16:07 PDT 2007

On 6/12/07, Jonathan Gibbons <Jonathan.Gibbons at> wrote:
> I've filed Bug 6568290 to track the issue.

I assume it will show up here tomorrow:

> The short term workaround is to take and use a copy of the property compiler
> from OpenJDK: make/tools/CompileProperties/
> or to write your own class that you can use which will read and use the
> .properties files directly.

We did that.  Unfortunately, it was quite cumbersome since you cannot
specify the package name (which would have been more sane than the
horrible logic in the tool).  The trick appears to be that you make
sure to specify that the output goes to a directory named gensrc, for
example, gensrc/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/  Then it
will "infer" the correct package name.


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