RFR: 8035063: Option handling in sjavac needs to be rewritten

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Wed Mar 19 16:19:42 UTC 2014

I think sjavac should filter out all directories which could not 
correspond to package names.

-- Jon

On 03/19/2014 06:58 AM, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> I should fill in that the background for this change is that there are 
> a bunch of directories named "doc-files" in the classes source dir. 
> They have been there a long time. These contain html and gif files 
> (mainly) that shouldn't get copied into the output classes directory.
> In a recent cleanup of the copy mechanism, I changed the copy rules to 
> by default include html and gif files and explicitly exclude those 
> that shouldn't be included, rather than explicitly listing what should 
> be copied. Because of this, we now have the following exclude rules:
> # These directories should not be copied at all
>     com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/resource/schema \
>     java/awt/doc-files \
>     java/lang/doc-files \
>     javax/swing/doc-files \
>     javax/swing/text/doc-files \
>     javax/swing/plaf/synth/doc-files \
>     javax/swing/undo/doc-files \
>     sun/awt/X11/doc-files \
>     sun/util/cldr/resources \
>     #
> When building with sjavac, these get translated to "-e 
> java.awt.doc-files.*" which sjavac does not accept, because doc-files 
> are not proper package names. Another possible fix would be to filter 
> out non valid package names from the excludes sent to sjavac.
> /Erik
> On 2014-03-19 14:32, Andreas Lundblad wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 01:58:21PM +0100, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
>>> The code by itself looks good. However I think that changing from . 
>>> to / is
>>> a really bad idea.
>>> If someone committed a package directory that does not map correctly 
>>> to the
>>> package name, then that is a major problem. You will not find that 
>>> source
>>> through -sourcepath, which means that you just broke sjavac ability to
>>> compile using multiple threads. This is just as bad as when Nashorn 
>>> tried
>>> to insert $ into java source file names! The horror, the horror.
>>> I.e. do not replace . with /. Fix the problem in the jdk.
>> In this case, the directory did not contain any source files, just a 
>> bunch of resources for documentation, such as .gif-files. (How could 
>> it contain source files? A package may not contain a '-'.) So unless 
>> I misunderstood you, there should therefore be no problem in this case.
>> I would prefer to see -i and -x as filters on what directories (not 
>> packages) exists in the subsequent source root: This is more in line 
>> with other options (-if, -xf, -src, ...) which all talk about paths 
>> and more general since each package corresponds to a directory, but 
>> only some directories correspond to packages.
>> - Andreas

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