Review request for JDK-8132660: Change jaxp unit test package name to be different with jaxp api

huizhe wang at
Tue Aug 4 18:26:14 UTC 2015

Hi Frank,

That looks fine. However, instead of appending an additional directory 
"utests", you could make the paths shorter by removing "javax/xml" and 
"org/w3c" or "org/xml". The short names are good enough to represent the 
API names, test/javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/parsers for example, is easily 
recognizable as a package that holds the tests for javax/xml/parsers. 
JAXP tests currently in the jdk test repositories are named using this 


On 8/3/2015 11:51 PM, Frank Yuan wrote:
> Hi, Joe and all
> Would you like to have a review for bug 
> This is already on our plan for a while, but I have to finish it now 
> because these unit tests failed with latest Jigsaw build. However I 
> made the changes based on 9-dev repo, I tested them with both Jigsaw 
> build and 9-dev build. The JPRT successful mail is enclosed in the bug.
> The webrev is at: 
> <>. It seems to 
> be a big change but actually there are only some directories changed.
> Thanks,
> Frank

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