<i18n dev> [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] RFR: 8162531solaris.fontconfig.properties needs updating

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Sat Sep 24 05:00:21 UTC 2016

1) version change is only if the format is incompatible - so no change 
2) paths being absent is not a new issue. It has always been the case that a
file is not present on a system at runtime. This was historically very 
common. The
implementation should handle this.


On 9/23/16, 8:17 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
> The changes looks fine, should we increment version=1 to other version 
> or it is not used? Unrelated question is how we validate all these 
> paths if some of them are absent?
> On 23.09.16 8:08, Philip Race wrote:
>> PING .. any takers on this two week old RFR ?
>> -phil.
>> On 9/8/16, 1:12 PM, Philip Race wrote:
>>> [Fix i18n-dev address]
>>> -phil.
>>> On 9/8/16, 1:10 PM, Philip Race wrote:
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8162531
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8162531/
>>>> Solaris 10 is not supported by JDK 9.
>>>> This updates the fontconfig file to focus on the default set of fonts
>>>> installed on Solaris 11 as part its desktop.
>>>> Preference is given to the Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New 
>>>> fonts
>>>> that are included with Solaris, as well as other monotype fonts.
>>>> Dejavau Sans is listed for some fallback coverage of less commonly 
>>>> used
>>>> unicode blocks.
>>>> 10646-1 encoding is referenced so as to reduce the number of entries.
>>>> More UTF 8 locales were added since that is the default on Solaris 11.
>>>> -phil.

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