Tagging proposal for JDK GA releases

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Tue Jan 15 18:57:00 UTC 2019

Note that the JDK 8u201/8u202 sources were pushed today and included the 
new jdk8uxxx-ga style mercurial tags for the first time. (Thanks Aleksei).

This should be useful for frameworks in the future to help detect GA 
availability etc.


On 11/10/2018 18:54, Seán Coffey wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback to date. Given the support expressed for this
> change, and the lack of objections, I'll propose the necessary jcheck
> changes to the Code Tools Project. Once approved, I'll ask the Leads
> of the relevant JDK Projects to begin using the new tag format each
> time a JDK release achieves the GA milestone.
> regards,
> Sean.
> On 03/10/2018 15:54, Seán Coffey wrote:
>> I'd like to propose an enhancement to the JDK build-tagging
>> convention to help users more easily identify JDK GA releases
>> via Mercurial tag names.
>> The concept is quite simple and lets people identify snapshots
>> of GA releases in Mercurial history without having to know the
>> build number of the GA release.
>> For example, to obtain JDK 10.0.2 GA sources today, one issues the
>> `hg update -r jdk-10.0.2+13` command. With the proposed
>> enhancement, `hg update -r jdk-10.0.2-ga` could have been used.
>> It's proposed that the new ga tag would be in addition to the regular
>> GA build number tag. It would be added to the relevant repository
>> once the GA milestone has been reached.
>> This new convention would be used for future JDK releases and is
>> tracked via JDK-8180946[1]. If the changes are adopted, I can
>> look at retroactively adding labels for all feature JDK GA releases
>> since JDK 7 to the JDK feature-release main-line repository.
>> To accommodate the new tag format, some simple jcheck edits
>> would be required. Test checks would also be added.
>> Comments?
>> regards,
>> Sean.
>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8180946

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