[7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs

Andrew Hughes ahughes at redhat.com
Thu Mar 15 16:29:00 PDT 2012

----- Original Message -----
> On 3/14/12 9:08 AM, Andrew Hughes wrote:
> > 1.  java.security is altered to prioritise
> > com.oracle.security.ucrypto.UcryptoProvider
> > on Solaris builds.  What does this mean for OpenJDK builds on
> > Solaris that don't have
> > this provider?
> Nothing, really.
> > Will the provider code simply ignore absent providers?
> Yes. The Providers are listed in preference order, if something can't
> be found in one of them,
> the search moves on to the next one, roughly speaking. For details,
> see
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/crypto/CryptoSpec.html#ProviderInstalling


> > 2.  Was there a reason the testcases in this commit were locked
> > down
> > to only work with the proprietary ucrypto provider?  Are they not
> > suitable for all providers?
> > They would be very useful for testing the SunPKCS11/NSS provider.
> That's a question better suited for the security-dev at openjdk list.

CCed.  As I said, I would have posted here first, if there had been a public review
of the patch to begin with.  There wasn't.

I noticed you don't seem to have commented on how this breaks the jdk7u guidelines.

> cheers,
> dalibor topic
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Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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