[7u4] Request for approval for CR 7088989 - Improve the performance for T4 by utilizing the newly provided crypto APIs

Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng valerie.peng at oracle.com
Thu Mar 15 17:14:43 PDT 2012

On 03/15/12 16:29, Andrew Hughes wrote:
>>> 2.  Was there a reason the testcases in this commit were locked
>>> down
>>> to only work with the proprietary ucrypto provider?  Are they not
>>> suitable for all providers?
>>> They would be very useful for testing the SunPKCS11/NSS provider.
>> That's a question better suited for the security-dev at openjdk list.
> CCed.  As I said, I would have posted here first, if there had been a public review
> of the patch to begin with.  There wasn't.
The tests can be adapted to The testcases can be adapted to test other 
providers. But since they are meant for Ucrypto provider, I coded them 
to explicitly test against Ucrypto provider. Well, I thought some people 
may want to run these tests if their build (or JDK releases) contains 
Ucrypto provider. If build doesn't have Ucrypto provider, the tests will 
silently pass, not affecting the overall result.

Let me apologize again for accidentally broke the 7u putback guideline.
Majority of the changes are under the closed part of JDK, thus it didn't 
occur to me that I have to separate out the part that went into OpenJDK 
for a public review. Learned the lesson the hard way as you aren't the 
only one pointing this out.

> I noticed you don't seem to have commented on how this breaks the jdk7u guidelines.
>> cheers,
>> dalibor topic
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