
Rémi Forax forax at
Sun May 1 10:11:56 PDT 2011

Hi Daniel,

On 04/30/2011 09:51 AM, Daniel Latrémolière wrote:
> I suggest a syntax for InvokeDynamic.

Why ?
motivations ?

> It is created like a field and has a name (for referencing and 
> bootstrapping it), then i suggest to create a new modifier "dynamic" 
> and define InvokeDynamic like a mix of field and constructor with his 
> bootstrap code included in it, like this:
> |{public|protected||private} {static||*dynamic*} {final||volatile} 
> $name*(MethodHandles.Lookup caller, MethodType type)* {
>     // code creating MethodHandle "value" variable.
> *target* value;
> }|
> You can see the three following differences with a field:
>     * A new modifier ("dynamic") usable in the same places than
>       current "static" modifier. All others modifiers are like a
>       standard field.
>     * The field has arguments like a constructor with his execution
>       context. The two arguments of the bootstrap/constructor are fixed.
>     * In this type of dynamic field constructor, the normal (without
>       exception) end of code is "target" instruction.
> The bootstrap method return a MethodHandle, because the type of 
> CallSite is not used given the others modifiers of the field definition:
>     * final => ConstantCallSite
>     * "nothing" => MutableCallSite
>     * volatile => VolatileCallSite
> Given this syntax, there is no need (except for reflection) of 
> exposing CallSite and using a bootstrap method (no name wasted for 
> referencing another bootstrap method).

You forget an important part of the design, developers can subclass a 
CallSite (actually one of the 3 subclasses).
Also, the name use for the bootstrap method can be forged by the code 
by example: 'ruby:call' is a valid invokedynamic name that encodes a 
kind of namespace in it.

> For the eye of developer, this will visibly be a dynamic field with a 
> constructor, then reasonably corresponds to InvokeDynamic features.
> Opinions?
> Daniel.
> NB: It is not special in Java to have different content in a code 
> following context: a constructor allow instructions like "this(...)", 
> or "super(...)", contrary to a standard method, then "target" 
> instruction at the end of code will not be really alien.


> -- 
> Daniel Latrémolière
> Mail: daniel.latremoliere at <mailto:daniel.latremoliere at>
> //
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