
Daniel Latrémolière daniel.latremoliere at
Sun May 1 12:11:50 PDT 2011

>> I suggest a syntax for InvokeDynamic.
> Why ?
> motivations ?
Because it seems that syntax for InvokeDynamic will not be available in 
JDK7 and I dislike generating bytecode.
I have used ASM, some years ago, and have nothing against it, but now I 
do not like Java bytecode (stack machine) and the concept of bytecode 
- Multi-step code building introduces problems/syntactic sugar, when 
source code need using/referencing generated code (then some sort of 
service registration/inversion of control adding weight only because 
bytecode generation, or intricated build process).
- I think there is more elegant partial solutions, than bytecode 
generation even with less power. By example, parametrized classes is a 
problem easily solvable by bytecode generation, but more beautiful with 
generics (even if it can be more useful without erasure, but Java 
compatibility would possibly be more problematic).
- Bytecode generation create a big quantity of names (overload of names 
without a specific semantic): Is an infinite number of names of the 
following form ListOfObject, ListOfString, ListOfInteger, 
ListOfMyStupidClass, etc. more understandable than only one standard 
name List used as template: List<Object>, List<String>, List<Integer>, 
List<MyStupidClass>? Not, for me.

> You forget an important part of the design, developers can subclass a 
> CallSite (actually one of the 3 subclasses).
> Also, the name use for the bootstrap method can be forged by the code 
> generator,
> by example: 'ruby:call' is a valid invokedynamic name that encodes a 
> kind of namespace in it.
Please forget my proposal (I have no time to adapt it).

Just for explanation: I personally think defining classes for modifiers 
like {final||volatile} is abusive naming and not modular development (my 
Java-vision). I prefer reusing Java modifiers even by adding specific 
predefined variables in code of method or inner class (e.g. caller like 
this, super) if useful in the context.

Only my opinion,
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