heads up: JSR 292 name change

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Wed May 11 06:55:50 PDT 2011

As previously discussed (late March of this year), the JSR 292 draft spec. uses the word "generic" in a different sense from the Java language.  This was a mistake, and we are going to back off from that term.  Instead of saying mh.invokeGeneric(x,y) the spelling will be simply mh.invoke(x,y).

Likewise, lesser-known methods like genericMethodType will (almost certainly) be renamed to something else like generalMethodType.  The thing called MHs.genericInvoker will be (by analogy) just MHs.invoker.

This means that if you are fond of calling ".generic()" on your method types to turn all the objects to Object, you'll have to change your code to say ".general()".  The old names will be deprecated for a short while.

Best wishes,
-- John

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