JSR 292 cookbook

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Wed May 11 11:27:13 PDT 2011

On 05/11/2011 08:08 PM, Mark Roos wrote:
> Hi Rémi
> Covering constants using method handles is minor but I found it 
> important for my work.

I try for that talk to be not too close to the API but more use case 
So instead of constant mh, do you agree that the UC is lazy initialization ?
or do you have another UC in mind ?

> And If you are covering the gamut of VM requirements then some 
> discussion of mapping
> non java objects to java objects would be helpful.  Especially the few 
> type constraints the
> jvm  ( or class verifier ) enforce with respect to temps and stack 
> frames.

I don't plan to talk about the class verifier it's too big to be just a 
part of something.
Also, I haven't a lot of experience of mapping things like struct or 
array of struct to Java objects.

> mark


> From: 	Rémi Forax <forax at univ-mlv.fr>
> To: 	Da Vinci Machine Project <mlvm-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Date: 	05/10/2011 02:25 AM
> Subject: 	JSR 292 cookbook
> Sent by: 	mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi all,
> for the VM Summit, I want to do a presentation on the patterns
> that you usually found in VMs or runtimes
> and how to express them using JSR 292.
> Here are the patterns that I've found:
> callsite adaptation
>  - conversion/boxing/unboxing
>  - varargs
>  - named parameters
> single-dispatch (one receiver)
>  - vtable
>  - visitor
>  - inlining cache
>    - simple
>    - cascaded
>    - polymorphic
> callee adaptation
>  - verified/unverified entry point
>  - memoization
> mutable metaclass
>  - poll/push
> I'm sure I've forgotten some of them.
> Feel free to add items in the list.
> Rémi
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