JSR 292 cookbook

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Wed May 11 11:57:53 PDT 2011

Rémi said

I try for that talk to be not too close to the API but more use case 
So instead of constant mh, do you agree that the UC is lazy initialization 
or do you have another UC in min

The case I ran into was one of needing non java constants ( objects of my 
own types)
and thus had no way to bring them in via the normal class constants array. 
 My solution
was to use the name in the bootstrap as a template from which the constant 
was created 
when needed ( the lazy part)

So in a way its lazy initialization but the pattern is one of handling non 
java types
as constants for use in methods.

Along the cookbook line, a major problem area for me in using 292 was 
getting the types
right for the various mh apis.  Sometimes it wanted casts to Object or 
Object[] and other times
not.  Made for a lot of head scratching.  Since I use only one java type 
this was especially
strange.  The pattern here would be for creating a GWT with variable 
airity and types.

 I look forward to your talk

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