Patch for javac project definition

Jesse Glick jesse.glick at
Thu Jul 12 14:29:11 PDT 2007

Dave Bristor wrote:
> Could you review the webrev?
> http://javaweb.sfbay/java/jdk/ws/libs/rev/6578429/

Looks fine to me.

By the way, the move of the <fileset> is actually unrelated; I needed it 
in order to get the build to run at all. Possibly an Ant 1.6.5 vs. 1.7.0 
incompatibility: where the fileset was defined it was referring to 
properties which would not be defined until later, which is not a good 
idea, and the semantics of this changed somehow in Ant 1.7.0.

You guys really need to get a Crucible installation set up for the JDK! 
I'm sure the folks at Cenqua could be sweet-talked and/or paid to add a 
Mercurial backend.


jesse.glick at

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