Taking advantage of TCP Loopback fast path in Windows

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Oct 15 18:42:33 UTC 2014

On 09/10/2014 18:10, Kirk Shoop (MS OPEN TECH) wrote:
> ----
> Here is the webrev with both changes:
I've tweaked your patch a ting bit on a few minor issues. One is so that 
running with -Djdk.net.useTcpFastLoopback enables the setting. Another 
one is to just rename from fast_loopback to fastLoopback in a few places 
to keep it consistent. I also add a new @run tag to one of the loopback 
stress tests so that it runs the test with this option enabled.

I've put a webrev here:

At some point you might want to extend this to work with classic networking.

If you are okay with this then I will push it to the jdk9/dev forest 
listing you as the author.


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