CSS on javaFX

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 17:20:04 PDT 2012


I'm going to express my opinion about using CSS on JavaFX, please don't
take this too personally, I do love JavaFX, and I think you guys are doing
a great job.

So, here goes:
I get that CSS is good for attracting designers to the JavaFX world and for
taking advantage of lots of already made work available through out the
internet. What I don't get is using only CSS to alter the looks of controls.
CSS was good for the HTML model that was created several years back, but it
is not good for creating the awesome UIs of the future. CSS3 is just a
continuation of a broken model, the HTML model.

CSS isn't even a language it lacks lots of common language constructs.

Concluding, I think this issue is pretty important:
http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17293 It basically says we should
have an object model on java to access properties which are now only
available through CSS.

Thanks, best regards,

Pedro Duque Vieira

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