CSS on javaFX

Johan Vos johan at lodgon.com
Sat Apr 14 00:00:39 PDT 2012


Whether CSS is great or not, I agree with the conclusion that it would 
be great to offer something to developers as well. Personally, I lost 
lots of time with typo's in css, and a type-safe way of applying styles 
would help me.

On the other hand, I guess that more than half of the developers that 
could use JavaFX would prefer changing css files rather than writing 
code. Hence, I don't think that the two approaches are mutually 
exclusives -- "raw" css files should still be supported, but a 
programmatic way to manipulate would be very much appreciated by 
developers like me.

I voted  http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17293 up

- Johan

On 04/14/2012 02:20 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to express my opinion about using CSS on JavaFX, please don't
> take this too personally, I do love JavaFX, and I think you guys are doing
> a great job.
> So, here goes:
> I get that CSS is good for attracting designers to the JavaFX world and for
> taking advantage of lots of already made work available through out the
> internet. What I don't get is using only CSS to alter the looks of controls.
> CSS was good for the HTML model that was created several years back, but it
> is not good for creating the awesome UIs of the future. CSS3 is just a
> continuation of a broken model, the HTML model.
> CSS isn't even a language it lacks lots of common language constructs.
> Concluding, I think this issue is pretty important:
> http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17293 It basically says we should
> have an object model on java to access properties which are now only
> available through CSS.
> Thanks, best regards,

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