Gradle build documentation
Darryl R
rdarrylr at
Sat Mar 23 20:59:12 PDT 2013
Thank you very much for that page. I finally am able to build it all on Windows now. I was able to build on Ubuntu very easily last week but i've been really struggling with the Windows build.
I just did a clone of master and rt tonight and am using the 1.80 b82 build.
I don't see the gradle IDE. I was trying to find if those were not pushed out to everyone yet but didn't find a post about it
One thing I'm also confused about is how we make use of the 4 DLLs in build/sdk/rt/bin/ off of javafx if we want to use the compiled javafxrt.jar
From: Richard Bair <richard.bair at>
To: "openjfx-dev at Mailing" <openjfx-dev at>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 9:48:53 PM
Subject: Gradle build documentation
I've added a whole pile of documentation around building with Gradle to the (still beta) wiki:
I've also added some instructions for how to setup a native build environment. I am sure there are gaps in this native build documentation, so any improvements to the doc would be much appreciated.
I wrote a chunk at the bottom of the document detailing the issue about the jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar file. Note that I'm changing the gradle build script (changed actually, I'm just testing it out) so that you DON'T have to remove the jfxrt.jar file from the SDK and that you DON'T have to have any jar in artifacts/sdk/rt/lib/ext and you DON'T have to specify the binary stub.
Hopefully that makes it less cumbersome to build.
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