recognizing gestures

Seeon Birger seeon.birger at
Wed Mar 19 12:00:45 UTC 2014

Hi Johan,

I'm currently working on implementations for ZoomGestureRecognizer and RotateGestureRecognizer, so you can expect them to be added soon.. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Vos [mailto:johan at] 
Sent: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 13:18
To: openjfx-dev at Mailing
Subject: recognizing gestures


At this moment, we can detect SWIPE gestures on Android since the quantum toolkit has a SwipeGestureRecognizer. While everything seems to be in place to add more implementations of GestureRecognizer, I don't see them. Are there plans to add e.g. ZoomGestureRecognizer and RotateGestureRecognizer?

The alternative is that we detect the gestures using the Android API's in the FXActivity launch class, send them through the native layer, and pick them up the way we do with touchEvents in general.
That's ok, but I wanted to check first in order to avoid duplicate work.

- Johan

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