recognizing gestures
Johan Vos
johan at
Wed Mar 19 12:04:07 UTC 2014
Excellent! Thanks for letting me know, that really saves lots of otherwise
duplicate work.
- Johan
2014-03-19 13:00 GMT+01:00 Seeon Birger <seeon.birger at>:
> Hi Johan,
> I'm currently working on implementations for ZoomGestureRecognizer and
> RotateGestureRecognizer, so you can expect them to be added soon.. :)
> Regards,
> Seeon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Vos [mailto:johan at]
> Sent: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 13:18
> To: openjfx-dev at Mailing
> Subject: recognizing gestures
> Hi,
> At this moment, we can detect SWIPE gestures on Android since the quantum
> toolkit has a SwipeGestureRecognizer. While everything seems to be in place
> to add more implementations of GestureRecognizer, I don't see them. Are
> there plans to add e.g. ZoomGestureRecognizer and RotateGestureRecognizer?
> The alternative is that we detect the gestures using the Android API's in
> the FXActivity launch class, send them through the native layer, and pick
> them up the way we do with touchEvents in general.
> That's ok, but I wanted to check first in order to avoid duplicate work.
> - Johan
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