Supported Font of JavaFX

Sam' at
Wed Jul 1 15:29:11 UTC 2015

I'm using Windows 7 64 bits.

I looked into my fonts and you are right, I don't have an italic variant of
the Algerian font.

Question is, how does Excel and my navigator (Firefox) managed to display
an Italic version of that font if I don't have it? They have their own


2015-07-01 17:23 GMT+02:00 Phil Race <philip.race at>:

> Exactly what version of Windows are you using ?
> Is there an actual italic variant of Algerian installed on
> your computer that you can see in the filesystem ?
> There used to be an issue that we had not implemented synthetic styling
> but I thought that went away when we started using DirectWrite.
> -phil.
> On 7/1/15 2:42 AM, Sam' wrote:
>> Is there a list somewhere of supported font by JavaFX?
>> For example, the "Algerian" font is supported but italic font style is not
>> working. But is working with Excel on my computer.
>> So is that a bug or simply because that Font is not shipped with italic
>> mode?
>> Sam'

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