Supported Font of JavaFX

Phil Race philip.race at
Wed Jul 1 19:04:02 UTC 2015

On 07/01/2015 08:29 AM, Sam' wrote:
> I'm using Windows 7 64 bits.
> I looked into my fonts and you are right, I don't have an italic 
> variant of the Algerian font.
> Question is, how does Excel and my navigator (Firefox) managed to 
> display an Italic version of that font if I don't have it? They have 
> their own fonts?

No, they are synthesising it. This is what we do in Java SE (ie Java 2D).
So far as I can see we do pass down the style request to DirectWrite
so perhaps it gets lost somewhere before that .. or afterward, or
perhaps it just has no effect in the way we use it.


> Thanks
> 2015-07-01 17:23 GMT+02:00 Phil Race <philip.race at 
> <mailto:philip.race at>>:
>     Exactly what version of Windows are you using ?
>     Is there an actual italic variant of Algerian installed on
>     your computer that you can see in the filesystem ?
>     There used to be an issue that we had not implemented synthetic
>     styling
>     but I thought that went away when we started using DirectWrite.
>     -phil.
>     On 7/1/15 2:42 AM, Sam' wrote:
>         Is there a list somewhere of supported font by JavaFX?
>         For example, the "Algerian" font is supported but italic font
>         style is not
>         working. But is working with Excel on my computer.
>         So is that a bug or simply because that Font is not shipped
>         with italic
>         mode?
>         Sam'

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