Gesture + MouseEvent

Johan Vos johan at
Sat Jul 4 19:35:34 UTC 2015


On touch devices using Monocle (e.g. iOS and Android systems), there is an
issue that a Swipe also generates a mouseClick event.
This is a problem when e.g. Swiping in a ListView, where the ListCell has
an action defined via setOnMouseClicked. At the end of the Swipe, the
setOnMouseClicked will be triggered. is called when a native
touchEvent is received.

This method will call  which
will process the gestures, but which will also call this:


This method will then call

MouseInput.getInstance().setState(mouseState, true);

and it will generate a (synthesized) mouseEvent. The sequence of
mousePressed, (ignored) mouseMoved and mouseReleased generate a mouseClick.

It seems to me that when a gesture is detected, no mouse event processing
should occur?

Otherwise, there is no way to check wether the mouseClicked is generated
due to a Swipe, or due to a real "click" (note that in case of a touch
screen, the mouseEvent will always be synthesized).

- Johan

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