JavaFx8: One controller, two fxml,factory and @FXML problem -> bug or limit

Alex Sviridov ooo_saturn7 at
Mon Jul 6 04:20:29 UTC 2015

 I've read the following from her e

When a controller factory is provided to the  FXMLLoader object, the loader will delegate controller construction to the factory. An implementation might return a null value to indicate that it does not or cannot create a controller of the given type; in this case, the default controller construction mechanism will be employed by the loader. Implementations might also "recycle" controllers such that controller instances can be shared by multiple FXML documents. However, developers must be aware of the implications of doing this: primarily, that controller field injection should not be used in this case because it will result in the controller fields containing values from only the most recently loaded document.

As I understood it is the feature of javafx2. But what about javafx8? I did the following test:

public class Test1Controller {
    public Button Test1Button; 
    public void onTest1Button(){
        System.out.println("TEST1 BUTTON IS PRESSED"+Test1Button.getText());

public class Test2Controller extends Test1Controller{
    public Button Test2Button;
    private void onTest2Button(){
        System.out.println("TEST2 BUTTON IS PRESSED"+Test2Button.getText()+Test1Button.getText());

<AnchorPane maxHeight="-Infinity" fx:id="Test1Pane" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="temp.Test1Controller">
      <Button fx:id="Test1Button" layoutX="300.0" layoutY="40.0" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#onTest1Button" text="Test1" />


the main code:
    private FXMLLoader fxmlLoader1;
    private FXMLLoader fxmlLoader2;

   private Test2Controller testController=new Test2Controller();
    private void handleOkButtonAction(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
    Callback<Class<?>, Object> controllerFactory = type -> {
        return testController ;
    Parent parent2 = (Parent)fxmlLoader2.load(getFxmlStream("test2.fxml"));
    Parent parent1 = (Parent)fxmlLoader1.load(getFxmlStream("test1.fxml")); 

As the result - I have two button on anchor pane. However, the Test1Button doesn't have action handler so it is not clickable. What about Test2Button it works ok and when I click it I get:
It means that Test1Button was also injected. Besides I've noticed that if add firstly to pane parent2 and then parent1 -  mainAnchorPane.getChildren().addAll(parent2,parent1); then
Test1Button works, but Test2Button is not clickable. 

Why only one of handlers works? This is a bug in javafx8 or this is limitation? 

Alex Sviridov

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