Proposal: JavaFX Incubator Modules

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Fri Nov 1 22:17:58 UTC 2024

I'm restarting the discussion from an earlier thread [0], along with a 
PR to get the support for JavaFX incubator modules integrated ahead of 
any particular feature that might use them.

JEP 11 [1] defines a process for delivering non-final JDK APIs in 
incubator modules.

Similarly, some JavaFX APIs would benefit from spending a period of time 
in a JavaFX release prior to being deemed stable. I propose JavaFX 
incubator modules as a means of putting non-final API in the hands of 
developers, while the API progresses towards either finalization or 
removal in a future release. This is especially useful for complex 
features with a large API surface.

The JavaFX proposal is largely the same as the JDK one, but has some 
important differences that are listed in the JEP.

Please take a look at the updated proposal [2] and PR 1616 [3] that adds 
the needed support for incubator modules.

I have also created a Draft PR [4] with an example module, for 
illustrative purposes only, to show how this might work. This Draft PR 
is based on PR 1616.

Please reply to this message with any feedback, or add PR comments in PR 

Thank you.

-- Kevin


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