Proposal: JavaFX Incubator Modules

Michael Strauß michaelstrau2 at
Fri Nov 1 23:19:14 UTC 2024

I think it should be made clear that incubation is not an alternative
to, or a path around community concensus. Specifically, I'm looking at
the RichTextArea proposal, which seems to also incubate the InputMap
proposal. If we accepted the incubation of incidental features without
community concensus, then surely at some point in the future, we'd be
discussing that we now must commit to a controversial incidental
feature because the momentum is too strong, or because we'd be
breaking code of too many users that are already using the new
features. Any discussion around promoting the main incubating feature
to API, and dropping incidental features will be tainted with
real-world usage arguments.

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