[security-dev 00603]: Re: code review request: 5067458 Loopback SSLSocketImpl createSocket is throwing an exception.

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Mon Feb 23 05:57:49 UTC 2009

I see. Everything is OK now.

On Feb 23, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:

> Max (Weijun) Wang wrote:
>> Fix looks fine.
>> BTW, SSLSocketFactory has another method
>>           createSocket(Socket s, String host,
>>                  int port, boolean autoClose)
>> How does it behave?
> Because there is a "Socket" parameter, so no new connection will be  
> established. The "host" parameter will only be used for hostname  
> checking.
>> and, will you clarify its javadoc on the host argument?
> The jdk 7 has already updated the javadoc[1], which looks like:
>    * @param host the server host name with which to connect, or
>    *        <code>null</code> for the loopback address.
> [1]: src/share/classes/javax/net/SocketFactory.java
> Thanks,
> Andrew
>> Max
>> On Feb 23, 2009, at 1:07 PM, Xuelei Fan wrote:
>>> I need to get a code review for:
>>>  5067458 Loopback SSLSocketImpl createSocket is throwing an  
>>> exception.
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~xuelei/5067458/webrev.00/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Exuelei/5067458/webrev.00/ 
>>> >
>>> The  bug description:
>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>> i'm attaching an example. in essence, i do this:
>>>          SocketFactory f = SocketFactory.getDefault();
>>>          Socket s = f.createSocket( (String)null, 8080 );
>>> and i create a loopback socket, as per the spec for java.net.Socket.
>>> the createSocket() call throws an exception, but it's an
>>> IOException which indicates "Connection refused" because i don't
>>> have anything listening on that socket. no problem there. however,
>>> then i do this:
>>>          SSLSocketFactory f =
>>>      (SSLSocketFactory)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
>>>          SSLSocket s = (SSLSocket)f.createSocket( (String)null,
>>>                                                   8080 );
>>> and i get an IllegalArgumentException from  
>>> java.net.InetSocketAddress
>>> saying that an InetSocketAddress can't be created with a null
>>> hostname. since SSLSocket extends socket, and the spec doesn't
>>> mention any change in behavior, i would expect to get the same
>>> loopback behavior and another "Connection refused" exception.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Xuelei

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