code review request: 6330275: Rework the PaddingTest regression test. (was Re: Fwd: jdk_security2 tests)

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Fri Jul 8 15:53:25 UTC 2011

On 7/8/11 12:55 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:
> The diff method is now --
> private static void diff(String fname1, String fname2) throws Exception {
>      if (!Arrays.equals(Files.readAllBytes(new File(fname1).toPath()),
>              Files.readAllBytes(new File(fname2).toPath()))) {
>          throw new Exception(
>                  "files " + fname1 + " and " + fname2 + " differ");
>      }
> }
> I should learn these new JDK 7 classes more. I guess "new File(f).toPath()" is
> the most straight forward way to get a Path object?

I think Paths.get(f) is probably preferable.

Yes, there's a lot of new stuff here in Java 7. I learned all I know about it 
from Alan. :-)


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