Code review request: 7064075 Security libraries don't build with javac -Xlint:all,-deprecation -Werror

Brad Wetmore bradford.wetmore at
Tue Jul 19 00:33:19 UTC 2011

(Apologies to folks without access to the older sources.)

On 07/18/11 15:00, Sean Mullan wrote:
> On 7/18/11 5:35 PM, Alexandre Boulgakov wrote:
>> Is there an easy way to see when a class was added to the JDK?
> For standard API classes, you can use the @since javadoc tag which will indicate
> the release it was first introduced in.

Standard, exported API classes.  Some of the underlying support classes 
for API packages like java.*.* weren't always @since'd properly.

> For internal classes, there is no easy way, since most don't have an @since tag.
> I would probably write a script that checks the rt.jar of each of the JREs that
> are archived at /java/re/jdk. The pathnames should be fairly consistent, just
> the version number is different.

Don't know which classes you're talking about here, but some classes 
started out in other jar files and eventually wound up in rt.jar.  Also, 
some files live in files other than rt.jar.  I usually go to the source 
when looking for something.  If it's originally from JSSE/JGSS/JCE, 
you'll need to look on our restricted access machine.

When I'm looking for something that is in the jdk/j2se workspaces, I go 
right to the old Codemgr data, specifically the nametable file, because 
many times the files you want may be in a src/<arch>/classes instead of 

% grep -i 

% grep -i
src/windows/classes/sun/security/mscapi/ ada8dbe4 a217f6b0 
6c833bd3 d4ef32be

That will usually give you a good starting point.


Depending on rt.jar or not.

> Chris, do you have any other ideas?
> --Sean

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