no PTR is needed for TGS-Req in openjdk7?

Weijun Wang at
Tue Jul 10 13:30:57 UTC 2012

Hi Roy

In JDK 6 we canonicalize the service host name before requesting for a 
service ticket. In JDK 7 we don't, for security reasons, see But I don't see how it 
affects locating the KDC.

Another change is that we always use DNS to locate a KDC if there is 
none in krb5.conf, i.e. dns_lookup_kdc's default value is now regarded true.

Can you be more specific? tcp dumps are always welcomed.


On 07/10/2012 06:08 PM, Roy Golan wrote:
> I all,
> In our project ( we do some kerberos authentication and
> we've seen different behavior between jdk6 and 7 in the process
> of doing the TGS-Req to the KDC. with jdk6, wh must have a PTR record
> for our KDC to run while using jdk7 we see its ignoring it.
> To check it we have put a wrong record in /etc/hosts for our KDC server,
> say "" while it should be and
> we saw that jdk6 is failing with PRINCIPAL_UKNOWN . the PRINCIPAL in
> jdk6 is and with
> jdk7 is which is why it works.
> is this a change is by design or maybe a bug? can someone explain if
> there is no intent
> of using reverse records (PTR) for the PRINCIPAL in TGS requests?
> I can supply tcp dumps if that will help to shed light here.
> Thanks,
> Roy

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