Code Review Request for 6996769: support AEAD ciphers

Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng valerie.peng at
Wed Nov 7 22:28:13 UTC 2012

Hi, Max,

Thanks for the prompt review!

On 11/07/12 02:41, Weijun Wang wrote:
> Hi Valerie
>    Why not test AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding anymore?
This particular test is not really padding-relevant, so I just switching 
to test AES/CBC/NoPadding instead, since GCM mode requires NoPadding.
Unless you feel very strongly about this, I prefer to leave it as is. 
Let me know...

>    Is there a URL for the test data?
They are inside the following zip
whose link is contained in NIST's CAVP page

I will add the above info to the test source.
I Will update the webrev w/ your earlier comments and send it out later.

> GaloisCounterMode, GCTR, and GHASH are good.
> Thanks
> Max
> On 11/06/2012 04:48 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
>> 79       * update() must buffer this many bytes before before starting
>> Dup "before".
>> 380      AlgorithmParameters getParameters(String algName)
>> The updated code does not return null anymore. Is there some other
>> reason out of this patch? The init() method below seems to support null
>> for all modes.
>> 580                  } else if (key.getAlgorithm().equals("RC2")) {
>> This seems a bug fix. Is there a regression test for it?
>> 643, 765  arraycopy
>> Maybe you can just call Arrays.copyOf()
>> 70 +        this.tLen = gps.getTLen()/8;
>> Ar you going to check if getTLen() % 8 == 0?
>> I haven't read GaloisCounterMode, GSTR and GHASH yet. Guess I'll have to
>> study the NIST spec to go on.
>> Thanks
>> Max
>> On 11/03/2012 07:54 AM, Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng wrote:
>>> Brad or Max,
>>> Can either of you review my changes for the following RFE?
>>> 6996769: support AEAD ciphers
>>> This is the JCE part of changes for the EFP "Support AEAD 
>>> CipherSuites".
>>> The webrev is at:
>>> I included IBM copyright in files where some code are adopted from 
>>> their
>>> sample impl.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Valerie

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