7194449: String resources for Key Tool and Policy Tool should be in their respective packages

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Oct 2 10:32:54 UTC 2012

On 02/10/2012 03:57, Stephen Flores wrote:
> :
> Alan,
> I am going to take you advice and push back on feature creep, I need 
> to stick plan we agreed to and that I put in the CR, so I can move 
> back to complete sun.security.ec decoupling work and I don't think 
> this change makes it harder for me to move resources or a waste of 
> time later. I think cleaning up modularity when you can is a good thing.
I'm okay with this.

> :
>> I agree with Max's question about whether you need to leave a
>> sun.security.tools.KeyTool in case anyone invokes it directly (no one
>> should be dependent on sun.security.** classes of course but still
>> working considering).
> I got the impression from you that we would add the later.
Max is away at the moment. I think we had a small concern that Glassfish 
and others may be using sun.security.tools.KeyTool directly, although I 
think Max checked it and said this was no longer the case. A forwarding 
class can be trivially added later if needed.

>> In sun/security/tools/KeyStoreUtil.java then maybe getPassWithModifier
>> can use try-with-resources.
> I don't understand what you mean by "try-with-resources", I don't 
> think JarSigner should rely on KeyTool resources, so I copied the 3 
> resources it needed from keytool to jarsigner. I feel that even though 
> for time reasons we did not put the other tools in their own JARs, to 
> code should not preclude that in the future.
I wasn't clear, I meant try-with-resources, the language feature.  
You're using it already at line 97 of the test, I was just suggesting 
that you could use it at line 133 too and that will ensure that the 
stream is closed, even if the readLine fails.

>> Is the change to sun/security/tools/keytool/autotest.sh just a merge 
>> issue?
> When I ran jprt I got the very confusing "Cannot find LIBNAME" 
> message, libsoftokn3.so, so I just wanted tester's in the future to 
> have correct message.


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