RFR: JDK-8007607

Dmitry Samersoff dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
Wed Feb 6 09:57:52 UTC 2013


Not sure GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS; is correct return value for this case.

I'm second to Valerie - it's better to throw OOM


On 2013-02-06 03:44, John Zavgren wrote:
> Greetings:
> I modified the native code to eliminate potential memory loss and crashes by checking the return values of malloc() and realloc() calls.
> The webrev image of these changes is visible at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jzavgren/8007607/webrev.01/
> Thanks!
> John Zavgren

Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* Give Rabbit time, and he'll always get the answer

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