February 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Feb 1 02:58:28 UTC 2013
Ending: Thu Feb 28 14:08:40 UTC 2013
Messages: 281
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Alan Bateman
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Alan Bateman
- RFR: Re-enable support for non-Principal implementations of PrincipalComparator
Alan Bateman
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Martin Buchholz
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Martin Buchholz
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Mandy Chung
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Mandy Chung
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Mandy Chung
- NegativeArraySizeException in JGSS / SASL
Hugh Cole-Baker
- NegativeArraySizeException in JGSS / SASL
Hugh Cole-Baker
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Joe Darcy
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Joe Darcy
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Joe Darcy
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Joe Darcy
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Joe Darcy
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Bernd Eckenfels
- SSLSocketImpl and Handshake Notifier efficiency/thread pooling
Bernd Eckenfels
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006212: javac, convert jtreg tests from shell script to java
Jonathan Gibbons
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Brian Goetz
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Brian Goetz
- PKCS #11 provider shutdown process, key zeroization
Matthew Hall
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
Matthew Hall
- PKCS #11 provider shutdown process, key zeroization
Matthew Hall
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
Matthew Hall
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
Matthew Hall
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
Matthew Hall
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Tom Hawtin
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Chris Hegarty
- RFR JDK-8006182
Chris Hegarty
- RFR JDK-8006182
Chris Hegarty
- RFR JDK-8006182
Chris Hegarty
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Chris Hegarty
- RFR JDK-8008107
Chris Hegarty
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Chris Hegarty
- "_" in dNSName? (was Re: [Bug 100298] New: keytool and SANs (DNS types))
Walter Holm
- "_" in dNSName? (was Re: [Bug 100298] New: keytool and SANs (DNS types))
Walter Holm
- [8] code review for 8006994: Cleanup PKCS12 tests to ensure streams get closed
Sean Mullan
- [8] code review for 8007483: attributes are ignored when loading keys from a PKCS12 keystore
Sean Mullan
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Sean Mullan
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Sean Mullan
- [8] code review for 8007934: algorithm parameters for PBE Scheme 2 not decoded correctly in PKCS12 keystore
Sean Mullan
- [8] code review for 8007934: algorithm parameters for PBE Scheme 2 not decoded correctly in PKCS12 keystore
Sean Mullan
- [8] code review for 8007755: Support the logical grouping of keystores
Sean Mullan
- [8] code review for 8007755: Support the logical grouping of keystores
Sean Mullan
- RFR JDK-8008107
Sean Mullan
- RFR: Re-enable support for non-Principal implementations of PrincipalComparator
Sean Mullan
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Sean Mullan
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Sean Mullan
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Sean Mullan
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Sean Mullan
- RFR: Re-enable support for non-Principal implementations of PrincipalComparator
Sean Mullan
- 8008662: Add @jdk.Supported to JDK-specific/supported API
Lance Andersen - Oracle
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Valerie (Yu-Ching) Peng
- RFR: Re-enable support for non-Principal implementations of PrincipalComparator
Neil Richards
- RFR: Re-enable support for non-Principal implementations of PrincipalComparator
Neil Richards
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006212: javac, convert jtreg tests from shell script to java
Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar
- [8] code review for 8006994: Cleanup PKCS12 tests to ensure streams get closed
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8006994: Cleanup PKCS12 tests to ensure streams get closed
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007483: attributes are ignored when loading keys from a PKCS12 keystore
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007483: attributes are ignored when loading keys from a PKCS12 keystore
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007755: Support the logical grouping of keystores
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007934: algorithm parameters for PBE Scheme 2 not decoded correctly in PKCS12 keystore
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007934: algorithm parameters for PBE Scheme 2 not decoded correctly in PKCS12 keystore
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007755: Support the logical grouping of keystores
Vincent Ryan
- [8] code review for 8007755: Support the logical grouping of keystores
Vincent Ryan
- RFR JDK-8006182
Vincent Ryan
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Dmitry Samersoff
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Dmitry Samersoff
- 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
Dmitry Samersoff
- RFR JDK-8006182
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8006182
Xueming Shen
- RFR JDK-8006182
Mark Sheppard
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Michael StJohns
- RFR JDK-8006182
Michael StJohns
- RFR JDK-8006182
Michael StJohns
- RFR JDK-8006182
Michael StJohns
- RFR JDK-8006182
Michael StJohns
- New JCA Engine Classes
Diogo Vieira
- "_" in dNSName? (was Re: [Bug 100298] New: keytool and SANs (DNS types))
Weijun Wang
- "_" in dNSName? (was Re: [Bug 100298] New: keytool and SANs (DNS types))
Weijun Wang
- NegativeArraySizeException in JGSS / SASL
Weijun Wang
- NegativeArraySizeException in JGSS / SASL
Weijun Wang
- RFR: JDK-8007607
Florian Weimer
- Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Florian Weimer
- RFR: JDK-8007607
John Zavgren
- RFR: JDK-8007607
John Zavgren
- RFR: JDK-8007607
John Zavgren
- RFR: JDK-8007607
John Zavgren
- RFR: JDK-8007607
John Zavgren
- RFR: JDK-8007607
John Zavgren
- RFR JDK-8008107
John Zavgren
- "_" in dNSName? (was Re: [Bug 100298] New: keytool and SANs (DNS types))
Christos Zoulas
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
mstjohns at comcast.net
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
mstjohns at comcast.net
- Safe storage of RSA private keys before binding to X.509 cert
mstjohns at comcast.net
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006995: java launcher fails to open executable JAR > 2GB
martinrb at google.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 5035569: Formatter should document that %a conversion unsupported for BigDecimal args
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: 8007389: Remove uses of _ as identifier in jaxp
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007405: Update java.lang.reflect API to replace SYNTHESIZED with MANDATED
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 6429204: (se) Concurrent Selector.register and SelectionKey.interestOps can ignore interestOps
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008312: Re-enable MethodParameter tests in JDK
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008290: (profiles) Startup regression due to additional checking of JAR file manifests
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008808: Allowed dependencies added by JDK-8008481 no longer required
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8008978: nashorn-rules.gmk missing
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008977: profiles build broken by Nashorn build changes
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8009029: SunEC provider classes ending up in rt.jar after Nashorn build changes
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 8008950: jdk8/tl failing with SetupJavaCompilation BUILD_NASGEN contains missing directory -c on Windows
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008793: SecurityManager.checkXXX behavior not specified for methods that check AWTPermission and AWT not present
alan.bateman at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007454: (process) SetHandleInformation parameters DWORD (not BOOLEAN)
alexey.utkin at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006395: Race in async socket close on Linux
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007322: untangle ftp protocol from general networking URL tests
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8007625: race with nested repos in /common/bin/hgforest.sh
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8005697: Add StampedLock
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008201: Add java/lang/Class/asSubclass/BasicUnit.java to the ProblemList
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008223: java/net/BindException/Test.java fails rarely
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007609: WinNTFileSystem_md.c should correctly check value returned from realloc
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006182: cleanup to use java.util.Base64 in java security component, providers, and regression tests
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 3 new changesets
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006409: ThreadLocalRandom should dropping padding fields from its serialized form
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007420: add test for 6805864 to com/sun/jdi, add test for 7182152 to java/lang/instrument
daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007935: java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfaces.sh should use $COMPILEJAVA for javac
daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008352: java/lang/instrument/RedefineSubclassWithTwoInterfaces.sh fails on MKS
daniel.daugherty at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 6471906: java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException in tenToThe
dmitry.degrave at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 7199858: Marshal exception is wrong
dmitry.degrave at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8002048: Protocol to discovery of manageable Java processes on a network
dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007277: JDK-8002048 testcase fails to compile
dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007536: Incorrect copyright header in JDP files
dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007786: JDK-8002048 testcase doesn't work on Solaris
dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008095: TEST_BUG: JDK-8002048 one more testcase failure on Solaris
dmitry.samersoff at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007504: Remove @ignore from tests that no longer need it
james.holmlund at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007698: jtreg test T6306137.java won't compile with ASCII encoding
james.holmlund at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7170447: Intermittent DeadListenerTest.java failure
jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8005791: Remove java.beans.* imports from com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector
jaroslav.bachorik at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007351: Malformed copyright statements in typeAnnotations test directory
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8001614: Include annotation type to documented supported-ness
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 6964528: Double.toHexString(double d) String manipulation with + in an append of StringBuilder
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007113: Upgrade AnnotatedElement.isAnnotionPresent to be a default method
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7195131: Update 2 compiler combo tests for repeating annotations to include package and default use cases
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8005623: Retrofit FunctionalInterface annotations to core platform interfaces
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007574: Provide isFunctionalInterface in javax.lang.model
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8001457: New tests needed for library-side changes for repeating annotations
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008434: Misc javadoc warning fixes in DateTimeFormatterBuilder and TimeZone
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8008435: Fix new build to include jdk.Supported in ct.sym
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008267: Add @Supported annotation to com.sun.source types
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 6556996: (ann spec) SuppressWarnings strings should be documented
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8009102: Several docs warnings in Project Lambda APIs
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008279: Remove InvalidContainerAnnotationError.java
joe.darcy at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8004822: RFE to write language model API tests for repeating annotations based on the spec updates
joel.franck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007279: Rename javax.l.model.element.Element.getAnnotations(Class) to getAnnotationsByType(Class)
joel.franck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007278: Rename j.l.r.AnnotatedElement.getAnnotations(Class) to getAnnotationsByType(Class)
joel.franck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007329: minor issues in impl class hierarchry for DCTree.* classes
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8004353: Generated html is wrong for overview.html; content has incorrect css footer class
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007306: DPrinter: improve display of impl-class, internal tag/kind, and external tag/kind
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007305: DPrinter: provide better usage message
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007344: javac may not make tree end positions and/or doc comments available to processors and listeners
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007490: NPE from DocumentationTool.run
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007492: DocumentationTool cannot locate standard doclet when invoked from JRE
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007485: test creates .class files in the test/ directory
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007566: DocLint too aggressive with not allowed here: <p>
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007610: javadoc doclint does not work with -private
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008077: update reference impl for type-annotations
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007052: javap should include the descriptor for a method in verbose mode
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008313: 8007052 breaks test/tools/javap/MethodParameters.java
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008339: Test TargetAnnoCombo.java is broken
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006582: Test for parameter names feature
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7112427: The doclet needs to be able to generate JavaFX documentation.
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8008914: Add nashorn to the tl build
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008914: Add nashorn to the tl build
jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
karen.kinnear at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006536: [launcher] removes trailing slashes on arguments
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8003549: (pack200) assertion errors when processing lambda class files with IMethods
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007428: [launcher] add tools/launcher/FXLauncherTest.java to ProblemList.txt
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007135: tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java failing with new tool jabswitch
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007519: [unpack200] produces bad class files when producing BootstrapMethods attribute
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007902: [unpack200] incorrect BootstrapMethods attribute
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8005750: [parfait] Memory leak at jdk/src/share/bin/parse_manifest.c
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008262: pack200 should support MethodParameters - part 2
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006948: Update javac for MethodParameters format change
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008658: Four new method param jtreg tests fail in nightly tests
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006039: test/tools/launcher/I18NJarTest.java fails on Mac w/ LANG=C, LC_ALL=C
kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: Added tag jdk8-b75 for changeset 2a713921952c
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: Added tag jdk8-b75 for changeset d4e68ce17795
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b75 for changeset ff0b73a6b3f6
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: Added tag jdk8-b75 for changeset 6778d0b16593
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b75 for changeset 966bf9f3c41a
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 9 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: 4 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: 74 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 17 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/corba: 2 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b77 for changeset 573e789c187a
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b77 for changeset 64dfba1bad16
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 3 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/hotspot: 36 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 19 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 9 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 5 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 23 new changesets
lana.steuck at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006505: additional changes for JSR 310 support
lance.andersen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
lance.andersen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006225: tools/jdeps/Basic.java failes with AssertionError
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007736: VerifyError for use of static method in interface
mandy.chung at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 2 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8007464: Add graph inference support
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006345: Report Synthesized Parameters in java.lang.reflect.Parameter API; ...
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 6 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008309: TargetType60 fails because of bad golden file
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 6 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008337: Write test to check for compiler error when static method in interface is called via super()
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008708: Regression: separate compilation causes crash in wildcards inference logic
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 3 new changesets
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8004726: Link bug ids to jbs rather than monaco.
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006594: Add jdk_core target to jdk/test/Makefile
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8006595: Use jdk/test/Makefile targets in preference to local definitions
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008167: IdentityHashMap.[keySet|values|entrySet].toArray speed-up
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8004561: Additional functional interfaces, extension methods and name changes
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8008629: webrev.ksh needs to quote bug title it gets back from scraping bugs.sun.com
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008785: IdentityHashMap.values().toArray(V[]) broken by JDK-8008167
mike.duigou at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007038: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on calling localizedDateTime().print() with JapaneseChrono
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 7092447: Clarify the default locale used in each locale sensitive operation
naoto.sato at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8004969: Generate $deserializeLambda$ method; ...
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8004970: Implement serialization in the lambda metafactory
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008405: Now that metafactory is in place, add javac lambda serialization tests
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008356: Test LambdaSerialization.java failing
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008770: SerializedLambda incorrect class loader for lambda deserializing class
robert.field at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
sean.coffey at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008107: [parfait] Use after free of pointer in jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper/p11_convert.c
sean.mullan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007142: Add utility classes for writing better multiprocess tests in jtreg
staffan.larsen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008089: Delete OS dependent check in JdkFinder.getExecutable()
staffan.larsen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 119 new changesets
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/nashorn: 2 new changesets
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8009115: jtreg tests under jdk/test/javax/script should use nashorn as script engine
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8009140: jtreg tests under sun/tools/jrunscript should use nashorn engine
sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8009019: Updates to generated-configure.sh required for 8008914
tim.bell at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8005075: Pool.Method, and Pool.Variable redundant Symbol field should be removed
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7199823: javac generates inner class that can't be verified
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7166455: javac doesn't set ACC_STRICT bit on <clinit> for strictfp class
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8005931: javac doesn't set ACC_STRICT for classes with package access
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 7167125: Two variables after the same operation in a inner class return different results
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006334: javap, JavapTask constructor breaks with null pointer exception if parameter options is null
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 6563143: javac should issue a warning for overriding equals without hashCode
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8006212: javac, convert jtreg tests from shell script to java
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/langtools: 8008436: javac should not issue a warning for overriding equals without hasCode if hashCode has been overriden by a superclass
vicente.romero at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006994: Cleanup PKCS12 tests to ensure streams get closed
vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007483: attributes are ignored when loading keys from a PKCS12 keystore
vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007755: Support the logical grouping of keystores
vincent.x.ryan at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8005545: Add System property to identify ARCH specific details such as ARM hard-float binaries
vladimir.danushevsky at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 2 new changesets
weijun.wang at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006295: Base64.Decoder.wrap(java.io.InputStream) returns InputStream which throws unspecified IOException on attempt to decode invalid Base64 byte stream; ...
xueming.shen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8007392: JSR 310: DateTime API Updates; ...
xueming.shen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl: 8007392: JSR 310: DateTime API Updates
xueming.shen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008161: Regression: j.u.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(rawOffset) returns non-sorted list
xueming.shen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008254: j.u.Calendar.JavatimeTest failed at TL b78 pit testing
xueming.shen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8008348: The leftover jdk/make/tools/javazic causes build problems with hs25-b19 control
xueming.shen at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006748: getISO3Country() returns wrong value
yong.huang at oracle.com
- hg: jdk8/tl/jdk: 8006691: Remove jvm_version_info->is_kernel_jvm field
zhengyu.gu at oracle.com
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 14:08:40 UTC 2013
Archived on: Tue Aug 27 15:42:46 UTC 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).