Security-related types that are candidates to be FunctionalInterfaces in JDK 8
Bernd Eckenfels
bernd-2013 at
Wed Feb 6 19:49:50 UTC 2013
Am 06.02.2013, 20:43 Uhr, schrieb Joe Darcy <joe.darcy at>:
> @FunctionalInterfaces should be applied to existing types is: do people
> routinely use anonymous inner classes to create instances of these types
> today? If so, the @FunctionalInterface annotation should be added to
> indicate the type is meant to be used for lambda expressions too.
Most of those Interfaces are not candidates for this - they are JCA
abstractions for different provider implementations or multiple
inheritance style implementations.
Callback might be the only candidate, but then it is unlikely used often.
The PriveledgedAction is the only one where it is often used and could
need some syntactic sugar.
Will the marker affect compilation and normal runtime or is it strictly a
marker accpeting the interface in the functional context?
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