RFR: Re-enable support for non-Principal implementations of PrincipalComparator

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Feb 27 11:24:52 UTC 2013

On 26/02/2013 18:36, Neil Richards wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> Thanks for your quick response.
> I admit, I hadn't spotted the description of the policy file syntax to
> which you point.
> (In my defence, it's a lot easier to overlook than the explicit wording
> that I found at the top of PrincipalComparator's Javadoc).
> Just for info, are there other scenarios where (non-Principal)
> PrincipalComparator impls can (still) be used, which matches that class'
> Javadoc ?
> And do these other scenarios also (already) support the use of
> Principal.implies() ?
> I think your answer may have obviated my desire for using the suggested
> fix.
> I'm asking around nearby to see if evidence of real use breakage can be
> found, and will tug on this thread again if/when I have something more
> to share on this.
I'll leave it to Sean to comment on this but just to mention that if 
this reflective dependency is added then I think it would be good to 
plan to remove it in jdk9. I suggest this because PolicyFile will most 
likely end up in our base/core module whereas the JDK-specific API to 
JAAS (com.sun.security.auth) may not.


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