Code review request, 7188658 Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation

Xuelei Fan at
Thu Jun 27 23:51:15 UTC 2013

On 6/28/2013 6:44 AM, Brad Wetmore wrote:
> continued, I forgot this next part.
>>> =====================
>>> 283:  My initial thought was a no_renegotiation(100) warning, but that
>>> allows the client to decide what to do, rather than the server
>>> terminating.
>> No, we cannot.  First of all, warning message is not very useful because
>> in general the sending party cannot know how the receiving party behave.
>>   Secondly, it is the expected behavior to *reject" client initiated
>> renegotiation. It is the server who should make the decision, but not
>> the client.
> Exactly.
>>> This TLS logic decision is not straightforward, so this needs
>>> commenting.
> And the above is what I wanted to see in the comments.  That is, why we
> don't send a no_renegotiation warning alert.  It's a subtle but
> important enough point that should be documented.  I think we should
> open a separate bug to handle this.  Just a couple of lines are needed.
What do you think these words:

"Please don't send a no_renegotiation warning alert. Warning message is
not very useful because in general the sending party cannot know how the
receiving party behave.  The server side need to reject client initiated
renegotiation proactively."


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