8034856/8034857: More gcc warnings

Mikael Vidstedt mikael.vidstedt at oracle.com
Thu Feb 13 21:14:45 UTC 2014

On 2014-02-13 10:23, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 13/02/2014 17:56, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
>> Alan,
>> I made the change to JarFacade.c myself last week, only to then see 
>> the comment a few lines above where you added the new include. It 
>> seems to indicate that including ctype.h on Solaris/SPARC is a bad 
>> idea. I have no idea if the comment is still relevant, but that may 
>> be worth understanding first.
> Do you have cycles to look into it? As the code is using isspace 
> already then it's not clear (unless there are different versions). 
> Before pushing the changes then I ran the tests on all platforms 
> (including Solaris) and the j.l.i tests include a number of tests 
> exercise these manifest attributes with a non-US characters.

The change in question appears to come from 
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-6679866, but I'm not sure the 
bug gives enough additional information. My speculation (and it's really 
just a speculation) is that it's not related to isspace per-se, but to 
something else which gets defined/redefined/undefined by including 
ctype.h. I guess it would be good to know if we have tests which cover 
the thing the comment is alluding to (non-ascii in Premain-Class).

> As an aside, the native code warnings coming from the jdk repository 
> are really annoying so this is the reason for the drive-by fixes when 
> I get a few minutes. I think others are doing the same.

Absolutely support this work! As a matter of fact I have a couple of 
change in a sandbox I should send out for review.


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